Minerva Credit Complaints Policy

Our Commitment to Resolution

This document outlines our comprehensive complaints procedure designed to address any concerns you
may have regarding the services we provide. Our objective is to promptly and effectively resolve complaints,
contributing to an ongoing enhancement of the quality of our service.

Initiating a Complaint

If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of our service, we encourage you to raise the issue immediately during
your interaction with a Minerva Credit team member. We are committed to resolving concerns on the spot whenever possible.

In the event that immediate resolution is not achievable, or if your dissatisfaction persists, kindly communicate your intention to escalate the matter as a formal complaint. This can be done verbally via
telephone at 0333 339 0140, through email at Complaints@minervacredit.co.uk, or in writing to “Complaints
Officer, Minerva Credit, 2 Park Ave, Sale M33 7HJ”.

Handling Your Complaint

Upon receipt, your complaint will be acknowledged within 5 days. Subsequently, a manager will take charge
of the matter, potentially reaching out to you for additional information to better comprehend the issues
involved. We strive to find a satisfactory resolution promptly, ideally within 7 days.

If circumstances necessitate a more thorough investigation, a comprehensive review of the matter will be
conducted. A Final Response letter will be dispatched within 28 working days, outlining whether your
complaint has been upheld, either in full or in part, along with the rationale for the decision. If applicable, we
will outline the corrective actions the company intends to take to rectify the issue and prevent its recurrence.

Our objective is to satisfactorily resolve every complaint within 28 working days. In instances requiring more detailed investigation, we will communicate any extended timeline for resolution.

Unsatisfied with the Resolution?

Should you remain dissatisfied with our final response or at any stage of the process, you have the option to
escalate your complaint to a Senior member of the Minerva Credit team.